Saturday, November 19, 2011

14 weeks: a little of this, a little of that.

This week was pretty uneventful. Thought maybe I was starting to show a little yesterday but Ryan disagreed. So maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see :) In the middle of the night I woke up with a sharp pain on one side which the midwife says are normal "growing pains" of my round ligament stretching to accommodate and support my abdomen while it expands. So, I thought maybe I grew?! Who knows. If you wish to read up on this "pain" and don't believe me that it's not big deal, you can read an article here.

I will say that I really like my midwife. I like her even more after attending one of the free classes the practice offers to first time parents. It was mostly about nutrition, what to expect (like round ligament pain), yadda yadda. The other women there seemed much less informed than me based on the questions they were asking. There was one woman at 20 weeks asking questions that my midwife answered on Day 1. So, I'm really happy with how thorough she is.

I do think I've had some bouts of the infamous "pregnancy brain". Nothing too bad, just some moments of confusion. For example, yesterday I couldn't find my deodorant. And I still haven't found it. So I just opened up a new one and maybe one day I'll find the other one. There are only so many places deodorant could be, right?

Also this week: I was shopping at Safeway and one of the manager's happened to be my cashier. I overheard him talking to another employee about how they are understaffed and he doesn't even have enough people for the schedule next week. Then, he looked at me and said "Do you have a teenager that wants to work here?" let's all take a moment to pause. At first, I didn't think anything of it. Then about 5 seconds later, I think I probably looked something like this:

And said: "Do I look like I have a teenager at home?"

He then began a series of uncomfortable dig-out-of-hole-just-dug attempts which were entertaining. I mean, I know I have some grey hairs now, but COME ON! :)

Ok so now for more boring pictures. Gotta give the people what they want.

The End.

Oh but also we've been watching Once Upon A Time - new series on ABC. The only reason we were initially interested was because the writers of LOST are the writers of this show as well. As you may know, a giant hole is still left in both of our hearts because LOST ended. This show is not yet what LOST was..but it is entertaining, suspenseful, and has painfully slow development of plots characteristic of the LOST writers. It's going to be great!

The End again. Or, Happily Ever After.

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