Saturday, April 23, 2011

Three weeks later...

Hello again! I realize I have not posted in a very long time. There are two reasons.

Reason #1: We had a terrible internet connection.
Reason #2: Not a whole lot of blog worthy things have happened.

Now, both of these things have changed thus providing something to write about.

Reason #1 addendum: We got a new internet provider! See, what happened was that we were trying to keep our internet company from North Carolina for simplicity purposes but...that didn't really work out. Here is a synopsis:

Internet guy: Hi, how can I help you?
Raleigh Rachel: Yes, I want to know if you provide service in Aurora, Colorado or if we need to find a new provider once we've moved.
Internet guy: Oh yes! It looks like we DO have service in that area.
Raleigh Rachel: Hooray! That is the best news I've ever heard.

Fast forward a few weeks when we've arrived in CO.

Internet guy: Hi, how can I help you?
Colorado Rachel: Yes, I'd like to set up our internet at our new address.
Internet guy: Oh. It looks like we don't provide service to that area.
Colorado Rachel: ...

Ok so then we decided to try it anyway and see if we could get service because we were very happy with what we pay monthly. So, for the past three weeks we have struggled to get an internet signal here and then *ta da!* we got a flier in the mail for $19.99/mo internet. So we switched today and it is glorious.

Reason #2 addendum: I began a Mary Kay business! You already knew that....but that's been a very exciting and busy thing. I had my first appointment on Friday. I dressed up cute, set out hors d'oeuvres, set out my samples, set out my gift sets. It was beautiful. However, the two girls who were scheduled to come never came. So I cried. Then I went upstairs to see if my neighbor wanted to come down and use the products because they were going to go to waste.

Rachel: Hi, do you want to come down and use the products because they are just going to go to waste?
Neighbor: Yes! I'll be right down.

She never came.

And then it took me about 7 hours before I was willing to un-setup. So that was a tough first day I would say! I have some more appointments scheduled for next week - let's hope they follow through!

Here are some pictures also to give you an idea of the kind of Mary Kay explosion that happens as a new consultant.



Yes. It has been so fun organizing all of that merchandise!

Lastly, there have been requests for pictures of our apartment. So here are a couple more.

This is where I make food. 

This is where we eat food. Grover too.

This is where I sit blogging. And play piano. And Ryan plays guitar. And drown a bit in boxes.

Ok guys. That's all for now. That was long.

1 comment:

  1. umm that was awful of those rude people to not show up! i hope your mary kay endeavors are going much better now! i love the products and i would buy tons from u if i had the money, but alas i do not :( please let us know if there is anything we can pray for!
