Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week 30: Hollywood Diet

Week 30 was full of excitement - both good, bad, and very ugly.

The good:

My friend Rachael hosted a baby shower for me on Saturday and that was so fun! I only know like 6 people in Colorado and there were 5 people there so that's pretty good turnout! :) It was so cutely decorated and the food was delicious - not to mention we got more presents for Lil Monty including three more cloth diapers! It's amazing how excited I get about cloth diapers...until they have poop in them I will remain excited about them.

Softball started for the spring last Monday. Ryan and Brock are back at it with their team, "Young Guns", which consists of all boys fresh out of high school except for Ryan and Brock. It was cold in the cheering section that night but they won their game. They had another game last night but we had to miss it (more on that later).

The bad:

Well, this isn't BAD, but we took Grover to get the vaccinations he's due for last Sunday. We took him down to the cheap mobile clinic that comes to PETCO. He got two shots for less than $30 - not too shabby. Grover, of course, was a champion getting his shots. However:

1. The lady ahead of us had a cat. Said cat did not want her shots. Said cat was screaming bloody murder, getting everyone riled up and tense and also left at least one of the technicians bleeding pretty good. I'm pretty sure that cat never got it's shots. Pure evil.

2. Grover developed a case of happy tail right before his shots. Happy tail is the ridiculous condition of a profusely bleeding tail because it has been wagged too much and hit against something to break the skin. It took us a few minutes to figure out who was bleeding and from where. By the time we discovered it, the floor looked like it had been mopped with blood and Ryan's jeans were massacred.

Oh well. Don't have to do that again for a year! :)

The ugly:

Oh boy. So. Saturday evening Ryan and I were both complaining of mild GI discomfort. We were watching a movie when I really started to feel ill and decided to quit watching the movie and go lay down. Within minutes, I was in the bathroom and stayed there. Within hours, Ryan was too. We were both seriously sick with an unbelievably violent stomach bug that left us sleeping on the bathroom floor all night (good thing we have two bathrooms!). We both said it was the sickest we can ever remember being. Twice I was close to going to the ER (because of Lil Monty) but the doctor on call that night was very good about calling back and gave me specific things to look for before deeming it necessary to go to the ER. I guess the biggest danger with this virus (which the doctor said a ton of people are calling in about, so it must be going around) is dehydration. Dehydration often leads to preterm labor and since I couldn't keep anything down, even water, for any length of time I was certainly dehydrated.

We made it through the night. We were still miserable Sunday, semi-miserable Monday, and still pretty fatigued today. There's really no way to describe it that gives it justice. The misery was unbelievable. If you want details, I'll give them to you but I'll spare the blog. From what we can tell, it was the Norovirus. This graphic drawing sums it up pretty well.

Ryan lost 6 pounds, I lost 5. We're calling it the Hollywood Diet.

Ok picture update.

I know in two days I'll be 31 weeks but here's week 30 for now.

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