Monday, March 19, 2012

Week 31: Shopped till we dropped

Well after last week's excitement, what is there to say?

Ryan and I suffered from the residual effects of our illness all week. Friday was probably the first day we both felt somewhat normal. I've pretty much gained my weight back and Ryan is catching up slowly. Lil Monty is still doing great - I don't think he had a clue anything was even wrong. In fact, he's really getting comfortable in there I think - his new thing is to prop his feet up on my hip bone or stick them into my side. I usually find his little feet and shove him (lovingly of course....) back over and then he defiantly comes back. We engage in this little battle for a few minutes at a time until he finally finds a spot that isn't completely uncomfortable for me.

MK No More
In other news, I shipped my Mary Kay inventory back! Oh the glory and the relief! Now we wait to see how much (or little...) the company pays me for what I sent back. Hooray for being done!

Shopping Frenzy
In more other news, on Saturday Ryan and I went to our favorite second hand store (Once Upon a Child) because they were having a crazy St. Patrick's Day Sale. The sale was from 9:30-12:00, all clothing 0-9months was $1.00. So we bought like 30 some items including some serious steals like a Polo brand pullover, a great windbreaker type coat, and all sorts of items that even at the second hand store were marked at $6, $7, even $10 and we got them for $1!! We saved over $140 had we bought them not on sale and who knows how much we saved from buying them new.

The store was nuts. It's what I imagine Black Friday sales being like. We got there around 9:00 just in case there was a line. And there was. Fortunately, we were like 3rd in line, but by the time the store opened the line was very long and then the madness inside was just that: madness. We devised a system to just grab any clothes we thought MIGHT be cute and then we'd go find a corner somewhere and sift through them to determine what was actually cute or not. We probably had 100 outfits to sift through and narrowed it down to 33. Then, it was time to pay. The line for the cash register was looped around the store and out the door. Took us more than an hour just waiting in line to pay. I must say though, it was worth it.

Then we went to downtown Littleton because a little shop that sells cloth diapers was having a sale. So I bought a few more diapers (we're up to 7 now which should get us through the first 8 hours :) ) and then we finally went home!

Picture Update:

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