I was in Dallas for the national Mary Kay conference from July 31-Aug 3. Very exciting and motivating. Probably the wildest thing was hearing from so many women who make like $20,000 a month doing this business.
Wack. The number 1 National Director we heard from I think has made upwards of $70,000 in one month in commissions from the company. I can't even fathom that kind of money. Maybe one day I will :)

One of the most fun times was when they announced that they were adding the 2012 Mustang as a car option to earn. Now, while I am far too boring to drive this kind of car, it's still pretty sweet that Mary Kay is offering such a hardcore vehicle. :) And it's black, not pink!
Ryan's parents are officially moving to Colorado! His dad is already here and his mom will follow soon once she finishes up her work in Wisconsin. Turns out that Ryan's dad's new job is just a hop skip and a jump away from our new house.
Here is the virtual tour - this isn't our stuff, but it's the house we'll be moving into :)
We are closing on Friday, taking possession on Tuesday, and moving in on Saturday (which is August 20th which is THREE years since we got engaged). And all in less than a month from the day we put in an offer. SO CRAZY. We were driving the other day and Ryan said "What if I had told you when we got engaged that three years from now we'd be buying our second house and we'd be living in Colorado..." and we'd be in our FOURTH residence altogether...it is just amazing how much has happened in such little time. Hopefully now we can actually settle and be in this house for a while.

And I did.
Winner of the Best Wife Award? Yep. You guessed it. Me.
Turns out Ryan was there too and I didn't know it! He too was trying to get Champ's autograph on a different helmet and somehow we didn't see each other even though we were both in the Champ mob. Ryan wasn't able to get to him though.

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