Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 23.5: Birthday fun

I forgot to talk about my birthday! I opened my presents from Ryan on Monday. He basically got me a luxury package. I got 3 pairs of fancy wool socks, a super plush robe, some belly butter :), and a gift certificate to get a prenatal massage from a little place in downtown Littleton. In no time, I was wrapped up in my robe, my feet were the warmest they've been in a while, and my baby bump was very well pampered. In fact, as I'm writing this post I'm wearing said robe and socks. The robe does make it harder to want to put on real clothes in the morning. Now I understand why I see people in them at the grocery store.

Saturday night we celebrated with my birthday dinner. As long as Ryan has known me and celebrated birthdays with me, he has taken me to a hibachi style Japanese restaurant. So, to honor the tradition in the absence of my beloved Kanki, we went to Benihana. Very good. Not Kanki good, but very good. My favorite part was when our chef walked up. His name was Daniel and Daniel is white. Now, call me racist, but I was at first non-too-pleased with having a white boy as my hibachi chef. In order of preference, I'd like a Japanese chef, then the excessively tall Jamaican chef for our honeymoon, then this guy. He did try to at least make up for it with his jokes and the occasional 'Waaaaaaah!' noise signature to most Kung Fu movies.

The other big news is that we bought Lil Monty a couple of outfits. We went into the consignment store not looking to buy anything...but alas...these had to come home with me.

The feet have little dinosaur toes!

Only a few more days till I'm in Raleigh. :)

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