Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week 24: North Carolina!

We moved to CO in April so it has been 10 months since we left NC. I flew back to NC this weekend so friends and family could see my growing belly in person and so I could be showered with gifts for Lil Monty :). Here are the picture from Thursday night before I left:

Friday morning I left the house just after 5:45am MST to get to the airport. My first flight was unofficially delayed because it started to snow RIGHT as we were about to leave the jetway so they had to do a last minute "de-ice". Worth the wait I'd say instead of falling out of the sky. I also was fortunate to be sitting next to what seemed to be the only NOT overly friendly person on the plane. You know the type, the one who feels compelled to share their political views with you even though you stare blankly holding a blinking sign that says "I don't care" or the one who thinks their life story is worth sharing so you have to politely pretend to care because, yes, even annoying people have feelings. I could hear all sorts of conversations around me that I was very happy to not be a part of...I didn't want to talk to strangers, I just wanted to relax. So hooray for the sweet old lady next to me who didn't say much.

Got to Raleigh about 4:30pm EST, went to dinner, went to bed.

Saturday morning was nice and relaxing then I was off to the shower about 12:30. I'll do a separate post about the shower with pictures and such. Shower went from like 3:00-5:00 then I went out to dinner with friends then I went to bed! :)

Sunday was wonderful. Got to go back to Christ Covenant and when I sat down I got all teary - I just love that church. Then I went to lunch, visited more with a friend from college, went to dinner, went to bed!

Monday was early - got up at 6:00am to meet a couple friends for coffee before I left for the airport around 9:30. I got my first pat down by TSA. I was about to walk through the x-ray screening thing when I realized what it was so I told them I was pregnant and asked if I should go through that. The guy (who was actually really friendly for a TSA person) told me it's safe but most pregnant women stay far far away and that my other option was a pat down. So I opted for a pat down (by a woman of course) - it wasn't so bad. It was kind of funny actually. Got back to Denver around 3:30pm MST and got home to see the boys (hooray!) around 5:00pm. Looong day. I essentially got up at 4:00am MST and went to bed at 10:00pm after traveling so I was POOPED. I slept awesome.

Lil Monty was pretty quiet during my trip to NC - not much kicking around. Last night, he got back to his old tricks when Ryan was talking and trying to get him to move. I still think Ryan's voice gets him going...others are skeptical of this but I like to believe it :).

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