Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pumpkin Carving and YURTing

On Thursday night, we had a few friends over and carved pumpkins. We made chili and cider and carved to our little hearts' content. Below are pictures of our efforts.
From left to right, Batman by Ryan, Happy Halloween by me, Michael Jordan by Steve, wolverine by Brock, haunted house by Carolyn. :)
Closeup of the Montgomery art. My pumpkin rotted within 2 days. :(

On Saturday, we went up to Granby (about 1.5-2 hours northwest) to go YURTing. Now, for those of you who are like most of us, we didn't really know what YURTing was. Basically, it's camping in a little round hut with bunks and electricity. You might be thinking, "What sissy camps in a hut with electricity?". Well, these sissies do. I believe it got down to 15º or so that night....

The YURT (which stands for year-round universal recreational tent) is not heated but it is more protected from the cold by shielding wind and our friends brought space heaters. The dogs were still pretty cold in the YURT but the humans were very comfortable. It was fun and the dogs were good, enjoying playing in the snow and tackling each other. Everyone seemed to sleep well but me - I was involuntarily on dog patrol - keeping Grover from licking people in the face while they slept and from playing with Mya at all hours of the night. :)

Here is our happy group outside the YURT:

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! Wish I could be there! Hope to talk to you soon, friend!
