Friday I went to the doctor and got my first B-minus report. Apparently I'm still dehydrated from that stomach bug so my amniotic fluid is on the "low end of normal". I've been ordered to up my water intake by about 30% which is NOT exciting because I'm already drinking more than any human should have to drink. BUT, for Lil Monty, I shall persevere. I'm up to like 130 ounces a day now which is a gallon!
The other news from that appointment is that Lil Monty is now upside down (which is normal). He's preparing for landing I suppose. The midwife couldn't tell how he was positioned just based on palpation alone so she suggested we do an ultrasound. There were two areas she thought COULD be the head - one turned out to be his butt. Rock hard already, way to go! Of course, HOORAY, we love ultrasounds (and it was excellent timing because this is how she discovered I was low on the amniotic fluid). Sure enough he's on his head. We were also told that Lil Monty has an attitude based on how he responded to the midwife palpating him and moving him all around - she said she likes babies with attitudes because that means they are healthy enough to get mad when disturbed. We'll see how cute that attitude is in a few months...
Friday night we watched NC State lose to Kansas. Dumb. But then Kansas beat Carolina Sunday!
We also went to our childbirth prep class on Saturday. It was from 9am-3:30pm so it was LONG but informative. We learned a lot and I'm glad we went but I could have done without the videos - both animated and real life. I was much better off not knowing exactly what happens to your body when a baby comes out. Just let me experience it without having that visual in my head...please and thank you.
We also toured the hospital and it's so nice! We learned that for women who want to go natural, they give priority for the rooms with jacuzzis. Even the rooms without jacuzzis are nice though and all the rooms are private from labor and delivery to recovery. The hospital seems very clean and updated and they have a snazzy system in place so they don't mix up babies. Mom gets a bracelet, Dad gets a bracelet, and baby gets two bracelets. If mom and baby are separated, the bracelets sing when they are reunited. If it's a mismatch, an alarm goes off. Also, if you get too close to someone else's baby the alarm will sound. I asked if it's possible for the baby never to even leave the room if he doesn't need special treatment and the teacher said most definitely. They are big on keeping mom and baby together as much as possible which is nice.
Today I went to jury duty. I got out of my last summons because I live in a different county than the summons was for. Within 2 weeks, I had a new summons for the county I do live in and that day was today. I was only there from 7:30-10:00 just waiting in the room. Two groups of jurors were called out over the course of several hours. Then, they came to inform the rest of us that our services were not needed and we could go home. Hooray! And I get $0.50/mile driven today from the government because I'm a homemaker :) which is good because I had to drive about 40 miles round trip.
Afterward, I stopped into this
cloth diaper store that was near the courthouse. I LOVE this brand of cloth diapers...of course, I love them in theory because I haven't used it yet, but they are pretty sweet as far as cloth diapers go.
Picture Update - In theory, Lil Monty is almost 4 pounds and about 17 inches long. I can tell he's running out of room in there because his movements are more fluid (less room to pack a punch or a kick) and I can palpate him anytime now. I know right where his butt is for sure! :)
And last but not least, Ryan found this website called the Baby Morpher which is supposed to spit out what your baby will look like. You upload a picture of each parent and it works it's magic. Brace yourself and choose to love Lil Monty anyway if he looks like this.
This was attempt #1. I always thought we'd have to adopt in order to have a multi-ethnic family. The Baby Morpher must know otherwise.
So I tried again. This one is not quite as scary...
We'll see! Only about 7 more weeks!